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Our products find their origin from real needs and exigencies recognized when performing T&M services and talking with potential Customers. 
Suitable for on-site use, harsh environments and heavy use are our concern: temperature, humidity, solar radiation, vibrations, shocks, pollutants.

Current probes

Non-intrusive current probes for railway applications. DC or AC rail current is sensed without encircling the rails, with no impact on traffic and safety.
Suitable for tram lines, where rails are sunk in concrete or asphalt. Probes are housed in watertight rugged enclosures, resistant to vibrations and shock, with high electrical insulation.

Axle-counter test probes

Tri-axial magnetic field probes for various applications: human exposure, magnetic field spatial distribution, control and monitoring for immunity tests, scientific experiments. All probes are available in analog and digital versions, interfacing through a standard watertight RJ45 connector: either three analog channels or an Ethernet data stream are available at the RJ45 connector, the former to interface with Client’s measuring instrument, the latter for remote control and networking. Probes are housed in watertight rugged enclosures, resistant to vibrations and shock, with high electrical insulation.

Magnetic field probes

A tri-axial magnetic field probe EN 50238-3 compliant for testing of rolling stock emissions and axle-counter immunity. The probe measuring range extends from 20 kHz to 5 MHz with a sensitivity of about 10 A/m and full scale reading of 160 A/m.
The probe is available in analog and digital versions, interfacing through a standard RJ45 watertight connector: 3 analog channels or an Ethernet link are available, interfacing to Client’s instrumentation or for remote control and networking.

Power amplifier

Characterization of components and systems, electrical and electromagnetic testing, reproduction of electrical phenomena often require signal amplification. Customers’ needs were considered to define the desired characteristics: sub- output impedance, 10 A output current, and several MHz bandwidth. Models PA-R-10 and PA-B-15 can do that. The amplifiers accept full scale input signals down to 100 mVpk and can be interfaced with waveform and RF generators, including spectrum analyzer and VNA output. All models are short-circuit tolerant (working in short-circuit conditions) and feature overheating monitoring and protection, overvoltage protection, variable gain, control of offset and output dc bias.

Contact Us and request for quotation


via Comacini, 7
Chiasso, Switzerland


Email: info@astm-e.ch